Policies and Procedures

Our organisation is committed to placing clients, their families and carers at the heart of everything we do. Below you will find links to policy extracts that provide more details on how we implement services through a values-based approach, and ensure we comply with the relevant legislation.

Information Sheets

How we try to prevent incidents and what we do if one happens.
Your feedback helps us to improve so that you will feel safer, happier and get more out of our services.
Explains how we respect your privacy, follow the laws and what you can do to keep your information safe.
Details actions designed to be carried out in the event of an emergency.
Explains your rights and responsibilities to ensure you receive the best service possible.
Outlines the business continuity planning and strategic thinking we have undertaken to respond to COVID-19 pandemic.

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We would appreciate hearing your thoughts regarding Connextions.


ConneXtions is a not-for-profit, social inclusion organisation created to support people with disabilities to realise an inclusive life, rich in belonging and relationships with others.

ABN 12 620 712 987
ACN 620 712 987

Connextions Registered NDIS Provider
Connextions Registered Charity
Connextions TAC