Employment Services

We work with you to identify barriers and create a personalised pathway to secure meaningful employment within the community.

Employment Services at ConneXtions Wodonga, Shepparton, Yarrawonga and surrounding areas

Helping you get job ready


Working in a group or one-on-one with our employment mentors, we will help you gain the skills and confidence to achieve your vocational goals.

Topics covered include:

Goals and pathways.
Rights and responsibilities.
Resume and cover letter writing.
Work dress codes.
Job interviews.
Workplace safety.
Handling money.
Hygiene and wellness.

We also offer industry tours and employer site visits.

One-on-one sessions are provided over two to three hours once a week, over 10 weeks, from our Wodonga office at 1A Footmark Court.

Learn more about the steps involved in accessing our employment services by downloading our Service Delivery Table.

To book or for further enquiries, please phone (02) 6024 2460 or email intake@connextions.org.au

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We would appreciate hearing your thoughts regarding Connextions.


ConneXtions is a not-for-profit, social inclusion organisation created to support people with disabilities to realise an inclusive life, rich in belonging and relationships with others.

ABN 12 620 712 987
ACN 620 712 987

Connextions Registered NDIS Provider
Connextions Registered Charity
Connextions TAC