Just Lawn Mowing & Maintenance

Our disability enterprise, Just Lawn Mowing & Maintenance, offers a lawn and garden maintenance service for the Albury-Wodonga and surrounding region.

Just Lawn Mowing & Maintenance at ConneXtions Wodonga, Shepparton, Yarrawonga and surrounding areas

Just Lawn Mowing & Maintenance


Our gardening team is ready to work for you! We’re local, reliable and here to get the job done.

Our services include:

Mowing and edging.
Hedge trimming.
Green waste removal.
Weed spray and eradication.
Lawn feeding.
Rubbish removal.

Contact us for a quote!

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ConneXtions is a not-for-profit, social inclusion organisation created to support people with disabilities to realise an inclusive life, rich in belonging and relationships with others.

ABN 12 620 712 987
ACN 620 712 987

Connextions Registered NDIS Provider
Connextions Registered Charity
Connextions TAC