Disability Services

We provide personal supports to enable people living with disabilities to complete day-to-day tasks and activities at home, school or work, as well as in the community. Supports are available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week (including overnight support).

Disability Services at ConneXtions Wodonga, Shepparton, Yarrawonga and surrounding areas

Personal Support Services


Also known as attendant care, personal support includes a range of activities to support daily life such as:

Hygiene, grooming and dressing activities.
Therapy and exercise programs support.
Meal preparation and assistance with eating and drinking.
Continence management and equipment support.
Utilising aids and equipment such as hoists and wheelchairs.
Community outings and appointments.
Accessing leisure and vocational activities.

Specialist Supports

Rehabilitation program supports.
Individualised support to people living with disability and medical conditions such as epilespy, asthma or diabetes, or needing supports such as enteral feeding.
Individualised support to people needing specialist cognitive or behaviour support.
Supervision or assistance taking prescribed medication.
Disability Services at ConneXtions Wodonga, Shepparton, Yarrawonga and surrounding areas
Disability Services at ConneXtions Wodonga, Shepparton, Yarrawonga and surrounding areas

Participation in activities and community access

Travel to activities and appointments.
Support to participate in social and community activities.
Support in places such as your workplace or school.

Supports for people living with physical and sensory disabilites

Multiple and complex needs.
Intellectual disability.
Acquired brain injury.
Spinal cord injury.
Neurological disability.
Physical disability.
Mental health.
Disability Services at ConneXtions Wodonga, Shepparton, Yarrawonga and surrounding areas

Register with ConneXtions


ConneXtions is a registered disability service provider and is independently accredited. We are a provider of services for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) registered and approved provider to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Transport Accident Commission (TAC) and Worksafe.

If you would like more information regarding the services we provide, or would like to arrange a time to meet and discuss your needs further with our team, please contact us on (02) 6024 2460 or email info@connextions.org.au

Send Us A Message or Give Us Feedback


We would appreciate hearing your thoughts regarding Connextions.


ConneXtions is a not-for-profit, social inclusion organisation created to support people with disabilities to realise an inclusive life, rich in belonging and relationships with others.

ABN 12 620 712 987
ACN 620 712 987

Connextions Registered NDIS Provider
Connextions Registered Charity
Connextions TAC